Pigeon nets +91 - 94401 11157

Pigeon Safety Nets for balconies are the most important aspect of high rise building. Prem safety net main aim is to provide good quality pigeon safety nets around Bangalore city. Most of us don’t like their balcony because pigeons are dirtying premises. Our pigeon’s safety nets are utilized to avoid bird’s entry into the building, residential window sills and office balconies.

Prem pigeon safety nets give safety to your loved ones. If we find pigeons/bird droppings in your balcony that cannot be clean easily. If any case pigeons die in your premises, it may, many problems to humans. Pigeons leave menace that is not good for human health, which create lung diseases. Prem pigeon safety net provides special transparent nets that are permanent solution to avoid pigeons entry into building without killing and hurting them.

Prem safety nets are one of the leading suppliers of bird control, safety net and all type safety nets in Bangalore city. We are manufacturing safety nets with the use of stainless steel and polycarbonate. The bird spike is also known as a bird control spike or anti bird spike or roost modification. The bird spikes contain long needle like rods that utilized to control the bird entry into our premises.

Benefits of our services

Our nets will undergo all kinds of quality checking before handover into customers. So you can trust on our safety nets. The Garware safety nets are manufactured with the use of machine made knots & heat set system. The heat treatment offers you best knot stability. The dimensional stability & mesh uniform size offers firmness & assists in uniform nets. These nets have impact resistance & because of better mesh strength & UV resistance nets that improves the net life.


We offer absolute Free Installationof nets fixing for all types of requirements in anywhere in Bangalore. vast collection of all types of safety


We have become Bangalore’s leading company by providing Best Quality Nets, we are the wholesalers, We offer highly Competitive Price.